17 July 2010

EVERYTHING happens for a reason

I have always believed that everything happens for a reason, its the only reason why I can walk around with a smile on my face. While nothing completely horrible has happened in my life there have been plenty of times where I think "Why is this happening, why me?" I am not a super religious person but I truly believe that God has a plan for everyone, nothing comes our way that we cannot handle, no one comes into our life that we do not need. Difficult situations teach us lessons, make us stronger and allow us to appreciate the good times. People come into our lives to help us along the way, give us strength, allow us to see the faults in ourselves or to help them with faults of their own. The purpose is not always revealed, but sometimes if you look deep within yourself and find the voice of God it will be revealed. Today, one of those reasons was revealed to me and it brought such joy to my life. It reminded me that no matter what I'm going through there is a purpose and it is for the best, I will come out a better person.

I also realized that I have some really great people in my life. People that don't let me give up or back down, people that don't let me accept anything but greatness, people that tell me the truth all the time, people that truly care for me, and I truly care for them. Basically, I have the best friends ever and I love them to death!! My Besties, my SPC gang, my pocketbook chicks, my Bay boys and my ATLiens, you are all the siblings that I never had, I am so glad you were brought into my life and I love you lots!

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