15 August 2010

What Really Grinds My Gears! Pt.1

You know what really grinds my gears!!......well there are a couple of things lol, here they go....

White people who don't recognize that they have white privilege and try to make us colored folk feel bad for calling them on their shit! Exhibit A . If you are white you have certain advantages that people of color (mainly Blacks and Latinos) do not have, it doesn't matter if you are a homeless white crackhead, you still have more going for you that your black counterpart, at least in societies eyes.  I am not faulting white people for having privileges or for taking advantage of them, cause honestly I would do the same. However, they need to recognize that they do exist and whenever possible do their best to alleviate the burden on others. If you don't know what I am talking about read books by Tim Wise, he is one conscious white man.

Black people who don't date other Black people, especially Black men. How are you not attracted to your own race?? that's backwards. Its ok if you don't marry a Black person, its ok if you've never really had the opportunity to date a black person, but don't tell me that you never would, or that they are not attractive to you. I don't care what anyone says, that's self hatred, Black is beautiful, try it out a few times.

Africans or Caribbeans who say they are not Black. You may not be African-American, but you are sure as hell black. Don't try to separate your self from a race of people just because they have been historically oppressed and negatively stereotyped. Our struggle has made us stronger and more resilient. When a white/Asian person sees you walking down the street they don't give two squirts of pee about what country you or your family came from, you are just black. On the same note it gets on my nerves when white people, who are trying to be all politically correct, call every Black person African-American. We are not all African-American...just call me Black, Thanks!....Oh and one last thing on nomenclature, it pisses me off when African-Americans get mad when I tell them I don't like to be called African-American, yes I am half African-American, but I am Cape Verdean too. Don't be mad at me because I have a country of origin that I can point to on the map, and a culture that is not like yours. I am not trying to make you feel lower than me or to discredit your heritage and culture, but I will not deny my heritage and the culture that I was raised in either. In short I'm Black, and if you look like me you are too!

Girls who say they are classy, when they are clearly not. I will not give examples as to not embarrass anyone, but if you are truly classy, chances are you don't have to say it, it shows.

That is all I can think of for now. This is just the first installment, I am sure that there will be more to come lol....What really grinds your gears??


  1. Lol at "two squirts of pee." Funny, about white people who deny their white privilege, in sociology its called "covert racism" and its actually considered one of the more problematic forms of racism because it doesn't allow progress to be made when the issue is ignored.

    So, one of my gear grinders is adults who are in Peter Pan land. Grow up. Life is real--its not the Matrix, its not Neverland. Wake up, American youth are trailing behind in education and sooner than later it will be too little too late. Go to school. Learn a trade, go to college, pay an effing bill. Stop using Jersey Shore, Bad Girls Club, and The Real World (ironic.) as road maps.

  2. Why thank you Brittany I had no clue about covert racism, because I am definitely not a sociology major and have not been studying it for about 3 years. lol

    Yea I agree but I do love all of those shows haha...but I have a degree so its ok :)
