25 August 2010

How to Approach Men

This title may be deceiving. I have no idea how to approach men. I've just never had to, not that men are throwing themselves at me or anything, I just normally wait until someone I like tells me they like me too. While I do not in any way think that chivalry should be dead, I do think that sometimes when a female is interested in someone it can be beneficial to let them know. The main reason why I don't normally approach guys is because I don't want to be rejected, but in all fairness I am sure that many guys have this same fear of rejection but because most girls don't approach guys they just have to suck it up and deal with it.

But seriously I have no idea what to do, I mean you can't run the same kinda game on guys like they run on us. What am I supposed to do? Tap them on their shoulder and say boy I like yo jeans?? Ask them if they are angels cause they must have just fallen out of heaven?? And guys don't even take hints well, if you act friendly, flirt a little and give them complements then they think you're just nice and you like their shoes. You have to damn near throw yourself at them and be thirsty as hell for them to figure that shit out, or wait a couple of weeks/months for their brains to click together. But then if I don't say anything then they will never know that I am feeling them and I will miss out.

I don't know maybe I am underestimating them, maybe they don't get that you like them because they don't want to. Cause now that I really think about it most guys that I have been really feelin and flirting with and ish got the point within a couple of days. Ugh maybe the real point of this post is that I've been single for too long, and I'm happy with myself and all but I want a boo thang.....I know you aren't supposed to admit it, but I am secure enough with myself that I can say it out loud. I WANT A MAN and I mean that in the least thirsty-est way lol! ....phew! That felt good!

P.S. I have been hearing that my friends and fam are reading my blog and enjoying it! Thanx so much for the support! Love you all :)


  1. I find this to be an issue. You are definitely not alone. This happens to me quite often. If you find out any ways to change the way women approach men without being thirsty, let me know. lol.

  2. hey hun....i know it is definitely a tough position and you are definitely not alone...it so much more common for guys to approach females that it seems like the way that things are suppose to go...but after being with my boo for almost three years he always reminded me that one thing that he loved about me when he first met me was that i knew what i wanted and i went after it...which is true...us taking ot each other was mutual...he approached me and i approached him...however, i think the only way that i would take the time to approach a man is if and only if i know they are interested in me...and sometimes it doesn't always work out...but hey thats life...keep it pushing...and sometimes...it will...but i think certain people are well worth the risk...and there is deffy a way to approach a man without coming on to strong but let him know ur interested...u just have to figure out what works for you...but trust me...a man definitely appreciates a woman who goes after what they want...they like to sit in the back seat sometimes and let the women take control...ya digg!

  3. Lol yes Anie complimenting his jeans will do the trick. I also am very cautious about looking thirsty. You can't recover from that as much. you can always dial things up a few notches. On a related side note...older guys are not as aloof about this (among other things).
