30 June 2010


I would like to think I'm perfect, or pretty damn close, but we all have vices, bad habits etc. here are just a few of mine.

sometimes I can be....

I get pure joy from the things I buy, like seriously happy. When I'm sad all I need to do is go on a shopping trip and it picks my mood right back up. Every time I go to the store I always find something that I "need", and when I can't get it I'm disappointed. Since I have no job this summer, this is becoming a problem. I wouldn't say that I put material wants and needs over other things, but if I don't reign it in soon I might be living beyond my means and on some Confessions of a Shopaholic type ish. But nice stuff just looks so damn good!!!

This is actually a new vice of mine. I was never the jealous type, I am usually secure with myself and I have never really been envious of others, but recently the green eyed monster has been paying me a visit. I think that it has more to do with the fact that I'm selfish and I don't like to share...even if its not really mine. I just don't like the feeling that someone else has taken my place, or when someone else has what I want. Its not a psycho crazy type of jealously and I usually keep it to myself and don't act on it, but it causes my to alter my actions and hide my emotions, which leads me to the next one.

When I am feeling a certain way, or when someone hurts my feelings I don't like to show it, it makes me feel weak and pitiful. I especially HATE crying in front of people, mainly because I don't want them to know how much they hurt me, and if I'm jealous I will rarely show it. I like people to only see the strong, good, happy side of me. Sometimes this can prove to be detrimental and cause even more complications..but I'm working on it.

I like for things to happen when and how I want it. If it doesn't go my way I get a little pissy. When I want something I will keep on persisting until I get it, I get locked on it and nothing will make me happy until I get exactly what was promised, or better (this is the GOLDEN RULE OF ANIE lol). Its because I'm an only child, and also the reason why I will have at least two children. Sometimes I just need to suck it up and get over it but the little girl inside me is having a temper tantrum and its hard to ignore her.

I know that I have more issues than what was listed but these were just what came to mind. I'm working on improving myself and the first step is admitting my flaws, so here's to a better me!

1 comment:

  1. You got a few there that are looking like some of the seven deadly sins. But don't we all...
